2 FREE Books for EVERY pro Network Marketer

2 FREE Books for EVERY pro Network Marketer

As someone who’s been the number 1 income earner in 2 network marketing companies, I’m often asked for suggestions of books to read on the subject of network marketing.  

I’m currently recommending TWO favourites and BOTH are FREE.

The first one might surprise some people as it is “older” and the other one is BRAND NEW.

It goes without saying that some of the basic principals of network marketing will never change.  For example, once you know what you are doing,  the need to duplicate what you are doing, to help others do the same is a must.  

But how do you learn?  How do you duplicate?  How do you stay on top of what is currently working?  Keep reading. 

You know you need to build a team, multiple levels deep – right?

To do that you need to be able to simply and quickly explain exactly why duplication AKA exponential growth creates leverage and you need to be able to explain the power (and desirability) of that mathematical equation – right?

Not sure why you need to be able to do that, or how to do that?

I feel incredibly lucky that when I started in this industry someone suggested that I read a book, that became a staple in my “tickle” trunk of training tools.  


I credit this one book with helping me get to $10,000 per month in income from my “side networking gig”, in my 5th month in the industry,  even while I was incredibly busy working 60 to 90 hours per week as the owner of a retail clothing company. 


Yes, i managed in a few hours per week on top of that crazy schedule to build a network marketing business generating 10K per month in my 5th month — and then well beyond that in income per week.

The illustrations in the first free book are still as valuable today as they were 35 years ago.  They’ve served many well.


Fast forward, over the years, I’ve learned to streamline the industry and teach the same, I’ve learned to harness the power of the Internet and Social Media to generate leads and sales and help others explode their network marketing businesses, with systems, and online tools.  

So the NEW book that is also yours for FREE will help you leave behind antiquated recruiting methods and take YOUR business to another whole level.  

P.S. Did I mention that both are yours for FREE? 

Ask Gary Vee About Instagram

Ask Gary Vee About Instagram

95% of you will ignore this marketing strategy…

… becoming a humble practitioner, of where the attention of the consumer is.  And if you have a moment, like we have right now, on Facebook and Instagram…  you will win….

At this point I’m making 10’s of millions dollars a year, because I have humility to understand what needs to be done to win. 

Everyone is looking for scalability, and I’m [NOT] going to hire my 23 year old niece, and she’ll reply to someone on Twitter (or Instagram) and you completely downplay the reality of what I am talking about. 

You are grossly underestimating what is happening right now. 

Gary Vee

Like Gary Vee, I’m continually surprised that many business people have not fully embraced Instagram and if they are using it, in some cases they are trusting the management of their business Instagram accounts to their teenage children or as Gary states, to their “23 year old niece”.  

That’s great IF your 23 year old niece is using Instagram to drive virtually unlimited traffic to your website and is monetizing Instagram for you, and if she is totally versed and vested in YOUR business, but if not, YOU need a fully flushed out Instagram marketing strategy.

Instagram is powerful when managed property and many, if not most entrepreneurs are under utilizing it.

But please don’t take my word for it.  Take a few minutes and watch what Gary Vee has to say about Instagram in a recent keynote presentation.  

It gets especially interesting around the 20 through the 30 minute mark.  

Need help mastering Instagram?

I can help you drive traffic to your website via Instagram.  I can shorten your learning curve and show you tools to give your account the wow factor ASAP.  


P.S.  Twitter is a powerful tool and one of the things I like the best about it, is that much of using it to drive traffic to your business can be automated.  Again, need help?  Reach out.  


Cancel Cancel

Cancel Cancel

Over 2 decades ago I learned to play a game, a mind set game that has helped me time and time again in my business.  

I learned it listening to a set of 2 audio cassettes that were jam packed with other gems as well, and produced by a network marketing industry leader, by the name of Kay Smith.

Kay suggested that we start playing this “game” with our significant other, our children, our family members, our co-workers, employees or team mates, any one and every one in our life who would “sign off” on playing it with us.  

If nothing else try playing it with yourself.  It works, either way.

The rules are simple….

When someone who is okay with playing the game with you says anything that is negative, you have permission to say “Cancel, cancel”, and they in turn have to re-state what they just did in a positive manner.  

In turn they have permission to say the same thing to you, when you state something in a negative fashion.  

Once you play with others, you will find yourself playing it in your head with yourself.  

It can be as simple as “Yuck, it’s raining again!”  

Someone who is playing with you says “Cancel, cancel”, and you have to re-state what you just said in a positive way.

 “Wow, more rain, we are so lucky that we won’t have drought conditions like other parts of the world are experiencing right now”.  


“Oh good, it’s raining again, I’m not going to have to irrigate the lawn!”.  


“I’m so glad that I have rubber boots and such a fabulous rain coat.”

Oh and if you don’t have any one playing with you, when a negative thought crosses your mind, you can talk to yourself.  Tell yourself, “Cancel, cancel” and get in the habit of making yourself re-think that negative thought. 

Give us 30 days and we will relentlessly and ruthessly turn YOU into an Internet Marketing Expert.  

The bonus materials alone are worth the $100 for this 1 hour per day, 30 day online marketing course.  

The BONUS materials include over 30 hours of interviews with 30 millionaires and multi millionaires who were asked to share their step by step, 30 day plans, of what they would do ONLINE  to save themselves if they were to suddenly lose every thing and had to start again. 

Again, that is NOT really part of the course, it’s a FREE bonus.  

And yes, from their plans you’ll find ideas, and techniques and actionable steps that will help your business, no matter what it is.  

ANOTHER bonus is a free book —  last time we offered this Online Marketing Summit with the book, the FREE book showed up on eBay for $400.  Yes, the FREE book that comes with a $100 Marketing Summit sold for $400.  It’s that good.

But wait, it gets even better…

Chances are good you found this site via Instagram or Twitter.

On both platforms, I have multiple accounts with OVER 50,000 followers and engagement galore = hits to the website links in my bios, all day and all night long.  

I can teach you to do the same.  

Generally my A to Z Instagram Marketing Training sells for $497 but when you enrol in/register for our 30 Day Online Marketing Summit, I’ll include my $497 Instagram (or if you’d prefer Twitter training) for FREE.

Click the button, watch the short 2 minute video to learn about the actual course, I think you are going to be blown away by the value.  Oh and if you are not, there is a money back guarantee.  

YOU are worth investing in…









You Know YOU need a Blog AKA Website

You Know YOU need a Blog AKA Website

UPDATE December 2018:

Over the years, I’ve used many tools to build websites and blogs and “opt in” pages, also referred to as “capture pages“.

I started out with free template based sites, then learned HTML, and moved forward and starting using the Word Press platform, even going so far as learning how to design my own themes and templates on that platform. (I’ve had a website since 1999.)

I subscribed to, and used things like Optimize Press, and Optin Monster and Elegant Themes AKA Divi ALL great tools, and I’m thankful that I had them to use at various times over my business career. Each have been extremely helpful.

BUT in the last number of months, I’ve been experimenting with, and starting to use something else that is so much easier than anything I’ve used before, and EXTREMELY effective. I’ve completely shifted and I’m now using a “new to me” system to build my businesses.

I started out with a free 14 day trial. Although I have to admit after watching a webinar, I knew I’d found a new set of tools to build online with. Oh, and they work for ANY business.

Watch the same webinar I did, and if you need ANY more information – reach out and I’ll share exactly how I’ve transitioned, and why.

YES, you can build your own website and blog. Really, you can.

If you don’t want to build your own…

I have a small team who build websites for traditional business owners and self employed, home based business owners.  The nice thing about having a site built is that you don’t have to deal with all the set up. You’ll be surprised at how little it is to have someone else do the set up for you.

We can put the basics in place, get you up and running quickly and should you want to manage your site yourself, your learning curve will be extremely minimal because we’ll hold your hand through the process of making edits, additions, and if you like adding regular blog posts.  (Or we’ll manage the site for you.)

If you want to build a site yourself — again — watch the webinar above.

Take a look around and as always, if you have questions, don’t be shy, reach out.

Cheers to YOUR success!

Marie Bennett

Toll Free: 1 (250) 801 8231

Favourite Marketing Book?

Favourite Marketing Book?

Do you have books in your library that you go to again and again and again?   

Books that are ear marked, have notes in the margins, multiple book marks, highlighter — and that, truth be told. have looked better? 

Books that have not only traveled through out the house but have been outside, and out of town and even out of the country with you?  

Some of my favourite business books are network marketing specific BUT this one applies to ANY ENTREPRENEUR, in ANY business, network marketing or not. 

DotCom Secrets is one of those books for me, visit our home and you’ll find a copy is never far..  

For me it’s the bible when it comes to marketing techniques, that work both off and online.  

The first time I read it, there were things that I thought to myself, “I knew that” but I needed the reminder or that I needed to do better than I was.  There were other things that were pure aha moments, pure GOLD.

I’ve recommended the book again and again… and the feedback has always been extremely positive, with many coming back to tell me they’ve made piles of money because of this one book. 

Did I mention, you can get your own copy for FREE?