Instagram Bio Tips
Struggling to generate leads & sales with your Instagram account? Start by taking a good long hard look at your bio. Are you clear about what you are offering? Do you have a write up, a description in your bio? If not, it's way past time to create one....
Instagram Business Account or Not?
SHOULD YOU HAVE AN INSTAGRAM BUSINESS ACCOUNT OR NOT? IF, you want to monetize your Instagram account in any way, shape or form, if you want to drive traffic to the website in your Instagram bio, then the answer is absolutely YES. A business account...
Auto Post on Instagram
I first posted this, I think back in February of 2018. In my humble opinion it is re-post worthy.It's no secret that I love Instagram.It has 58 x more engagement than Facebook. It's growing faster than the next 10 most popular forms of social media...
Instagram Content Focus
This post could be titled, "Begin with the End in Mind", or "Establish Your Avatar". Decide on a topic or two for your Instagram account. I can tell you from personal experience, that when I deviate from the general "topic" of my various Instagram...
Help End Horse Slaughter
I hate to admit this but until I moved back to Canada from Southern California, I had no idea that horses were regularly slaughtered for human consumption. Seriously, I thought I must be hearing things. People eat horse meat? People send their horses to...
Grow Your Own Greens & More
Almost 20 years ago, while living in California I read a book, Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long, by Elliot Coleman. Today I own 3 or 4 of his books and another couple on the same subject. This subject is a departure from what...
TrueTwit or NOT?
When asked if I think TrueTwit is a valuable tool, I suggest people think about what it does. It's an anti spam tool that spams those wanting to follow you. Why do you want to "validate" your followers? If it were the other way around, if it gave you an...
VIDEO: How to Start a Speech
Some how this popped up on YouTube, over 4 MILLION views, 8 minutes long -- and it applies to networking events, public speaking, sales conversations, 3 way calls, dinner parties and so much more. Enjoy! ...
FEWER Twitter Followers?
Did your Twitter followers suddenly drop? We went from well over 50,000 followers to just under in the blink of an eye. At first I thought it was because we'd been so preoccupied with recent flooding of our home, and as a result a move to a new home,...
Grow YOUR Instagram Following on Auto Pilot
I'm constantly asked how I've built Instagram accounts to over 40K followers, and how I generally have thousands of LIKES = eyeballs on each post I do, AND how 40 to 50% or more of the people engaging on my posts are NOT following me = new, fresh,...
Wildfires in British Columbia
Quite frankly, I don't even know where to begin to describe what is currently happening in British Columbia, Canada. IF you are any where in the Pacific Northwest, chances are good you're experiencing smoke at the moment, and there's a good chance it's...
Start a SIDCHA
Here's a GREAT article from INC. Absolutely perfect for this time of the year. The Self-Imposed Daily Challenging Healthy Activity (SIDCHA) What's your SIDCHA? https://www.inc.com/joshua-spodek/start-a-sidcha.html HAPPY NEW YEAR!...