Since 1999 we’ve been successfully isolating, implementing and teaching, cutting edge, online marketing, and social media marketing, lead generation techniques, including methods that are free, or extremely low cost.
Mastering online and social media marketing techniques has helped us reach the top ranks in multiple network marketing companies,
More importantly, the simple, duplicable techniques we’ve mastered and teach have helped countless others achieve success.
For us the true definition of a leader is not how well we do, it’s about how well those we teach do.
Whatever YOUR business is, we can help YOU monetize social media, we can help you drive loads of laser targeted traffic to YOUR website!
Ask Gary Vee About Instagram
95% of you will ignore this marketing strategy... … becoming a humble practitioner, of where the attention of the consumer is. And if you have a moment, like we have right now, on Facebook and Instagram... you will win…. At this point I'm making 10’s of millions...
Cancel Cancel
Over 2 decades ago I learned to play a game, a mind set game that has helped me time and time again in my business. I learned it listening to a set of 2 audio cassettes that were jam packed with other gems as well, and produced by a network marketing industry...
You Know YOU need a Blog AKA Website
UPDATE December 2018: Over the years, I've used many tools to build websites and blogs and "opt in" pages, also referred to as "capture pages". I started out with free template based sites, then learned HTML, and moved forward and starting using the Word Press...
Favourite Marketing Book?
Do you have books in your library that you go to again and again and again? Books that are ear marked, have notes in the margins, multiple book marks, highlighter -- and that, truth be told. have looked better? Books that have not only traveled through out the house...
Monetize YOUR Instagram Account
It's not any secret that we love Twitter AND INSTAGRAM. Chances are good you're on this page because you found us through one or the other - right?We have multiple accounts on BOTH platforms, and over 50,000 followers on multiple accounts. Our Instagram posts...
Create a Clickable Link in Instagram Captions
Yesterday my post was about making sure that you were clear in your bio on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., about what you are offering. & to make sure that you have a carefully crafted bio, it's surprising to me how many entrepreneurs don't take full advantage...